js 闭包函数 构造函数_JavaScript中的闭包,库里函数和酷抽象
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js 闭包函数 构造函数

In this article, we will talk about closures and curried functions and we'll play around with these concepts to build cool abstractions. I want to show the idea behind each concept, but also make it very practical with examples and refactored code to make it more fun.

在本文中,我们将讨论闭包和咖喱函数,我们将围绕这些概念来构建酷抽象。 我想展示每个概念背后的想法,但也通过示例和重构代码使其变得非常实用,以使其更加有趣。

关闭 (Closures)

Closures are a common topic in JavaScript, and it's the one we'll start with. According to MDN:

在JavaScript中,闭包是一个常见的话题,这是我们要开始的话题。 根据MDN:

A closure is the combination of a function bundled together (enclosed) with references to its surrounding state (the lexical environment).

Basically, every time a function is created, a closure is also created and it gives access to the state (variables, constants, functions, and so on). The surrounding state is known as the lexical environment.

基本上,每次创建函数时,也会创建一个闭包,并且闭包可以访问状态(变量,常量,函数等)。 周围状态称为lexical environment

Let's show a simple example:


function makeFunction() {  const name = 'TK';  function displayName() {    console.log(name);  }  return displayName;};

What do we have here?


  • Our main function is called makeFunction


  • A constant named name is assigned with the string, 'TK'


  • The definition of the displayName function (which just logs the name constant)


  • And finally, makeFunction returns the displayName function

    最后, makeFunction返回displayName函数

This is just a definition of a function. When we call the makeFunction, it will create everything within it: a constant and another function, in this case.

这只是一个函数的定义。 当我们调用makeFunction ,它将在其中创建所有内容:一个常量和另一个函数(在这种情况下)。

As we know, when the displayName function is created, the closure is also created and it makes the function aware of its environment, in this case, the name constant. This is why we can console.log the name constant without breaking anything. The function knows about the lexical environment.

众所周知,当创建displayName函数时,也会创建闭包,并且闭包使函数知道其环境(在这种情况下为name常量)。 这就是为什么我们可以在不破坏任何内容的情况下console.log name常量的原因。 该函数知道词法环境。

const myFunction = makeFunction();myFunction(); // TK

Great! It works as expected. The return value of makeFunction is a function that we store in the myFunction constant. When we call myFunction, it displays TK.

大! 它按预期工作。 makeFunction的返回值是一个存储在myFunction常量中的函数。 当我们调用myFunction ,它将显示TK

We can also make it work as an arrow function:


const makeFunction = () => {  const name = 'TK';  return () => console.log(name);};

But what if we want to pass the name and display it? Simple! Use a parameter:

但是,如果我们想传递名称并显示该名称怎么办? 简单! 使用参数:

const makeFunction = (name = 'TK') => {  return () => console.log(name);};// Or as a one-linerconst makeFunction = (name = 'TK') => () => console.log(name);

Now we can play with the name:


const myFunction = makeFunction();myFunction(); // TKconst myFunction = makeFunction('Dan');myFunction(); // Dan

myFunction is aware of the argument that's passed in, and whether it's a default or dynamic value.


The closure makes sure the created function is not only aware of the constants/variables, but also other functions within the function.


So this also works:


const makeFunction = (name = 'TK') => {  const display = () => console.log(name);  return () => display();};const myFunction = makeFunction();myFunction(); // TK

The returned function knows about the display function and is able to call it.


One powerful technique is to use closures to build "private" functions and variables.


Months ago I was learning data structures (again!) and wanted to implement each one. But I was always using the object oriented approach. As a functional programming enthusiast, I wanted to build all the data structures following FP principles (pure functions, immutability, referential transparency, etc.).

几个月前,我再次学习数据结构,并想要实现每个结构。 但是我一直在使用面向对象的方法。 作为一名编程程序员,我想遵循FP原则(纯函数,不变性,参照透明性等)构建所有数据结构。

The first data structure I was learning was the Stack. It is pretty simple. The main API is:

我正在学习的第一个数据结构是堆栈。 这很简单。 主要的API是:

  • push: add an item to the first place of the stack

    push :将项目添加到堆栈的第一位

  • pop: remove the first item from the stack

    pop :从堆栈中删除第一项

  • peek: get the first item from the stack

    peek :从堆栈中获取第一个项目

  • isEmpty: verify if the stack is empty

    isEmpty :验证堆栈是否为空

  • size: get the number of items the stack has

    size :获取堆栈中的项目数

We could clearly create a simple function to each "method" and pass the stack data to it. It could then use/transform the data and return it.

我们显然可以为每个“方法”创建一个简单的函数,并将堆栈数据传递给它。 然后,它可以使用/转换数据并返回它。

But we can also create a stack with private data and only expose the API methods. Let's do this!

但是我们也可以使用私有数据创建一个堆栈,并且只公开API方法。 我们开工吧!

const buildStack = () => {  let items = [];  const push = (item) => items = [item, ...items];  const pop = () => items = items.slice(1);  const peek = () => items[0];  const isEmpty = () => !items.length;  const size = () => items.length;  return {    push,    pop,    peek,    isEmpty,    size,  };};

Because we created the items stack inside our buildStack function, it is "private". It can be accessed only within the function. In this case, only push, pop, and so one could touch the data. This is exactly what we're looking for.

因为我们在buildStack函数中创建了items堆栈,所以它是“私有的”。 只能在功能内访问。 在这种情况下,只有pushpop等等,因此可以触摸数据。 这正是我们在寻找的东西。

And how do we use it? Like this:

以及我们如何使用它? 像这样:

const stack = buildStack();stack.isEmpty(); // truestack.push(1); // [1]stack.push(2); // [2, 1]stack.push(3); // [3, 2, 1]stack.push(4); // [4, 3, 2, 1]stack.push(5); // [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]stack.peek(); // 5stack.size(); // 5stack.isEmpty(); // falsestack.pop(); // [4, 3, 2, 1]stack.pop(); // [3, 2, 1]stack.pop(); // [2, 1]stack.pop(); // [1]stack.isEmpty(); // falsestack.peek(); // 1stack.pop(); // []stack.isEmpty(); // truestack.size(); // 0

So, when the stack is created, all the functions are aware of the items data. But outside the function, we can't access this data. It's private. We just modify the data by using the stack's builtin API.

因此,在创建堆栈时,所有功能都知道items数据。 但是在函数之外,我们无法访问此数据。 是私人的 我们只是通过使用堆栈的内置API来修改数据。

咖喱 (Curry)

"Currying is the process of taking a function with multiple arguments and turning it into a sequence of functions each with only a single argument."

“ Currying是将具有多个参数的函数转换为只有一个参数的函数序列的过程。”



So imagine you have a function with multiple arguments: f(a, b, c). Using currying, we achieve a function f(a) that returns a function g(b) that returns a function h(c).

因此,假设您有一个带有多个参数的函数: f(a, b, c) 。 使用currying,我们实现了一个函数f(a) ,该函数返回一个函数g(b) ,该函数返回一个函数h(c)

Basically: f(a, b, c) —> f(a) => g(b) => h(c)

基本上是: f(a, b, c) —> f(a) => g(b) => h(c)

Let's build a simple example that adds two numbers. But first, without currying:

让我们构建一个简单的示例,将两个数字相加。 但首先,无需进行粗略介绍:

const add = (x, y) => x + y;add(1, 2); // 3

Great! Super simple! Here we have a function with two arguments. To transform it into a curried function we need a function that receives x and returns a function that receives y and returns the sum of both values.

大! 超级简单! 在这里,我们有一个带有两个参数的函数。 要将其转换为咖喱函数,我们需要一个接收x并返回一个接收y并返回两个值之和的函数。

const add = (x) => {  function addY(y) {    return x + y;  }  return addY;};

We can refactor addY into a anonymous arrow function:


const add = (x) => {  return (y) => {    return x + y;  }};

Or simplify it by building one liner arrow functions:


const add = (x) => (y) => x + y;

These three different curried functions have the same behavior: build a sequence of functions with only one argument.


How can we use it?


add(10)(20); // 30

At first, it can look a bit strange, but there's a logic behind it. add(10) returns a function. And we call this function with the 20 value.

乍一看,它可能看起来有些奇怪,但是背后有逻辑。 add(10)返回一个函数。 我们用20值调用此函数。

This is the same as:


const addTen = add(10);addTen(20); // 30

And this is interesting. We can generate specialized functions by calling the first function. Imagine we want an increment function. We can generate it from our add function by passing 1 as the value.

这很有趣。 我们可以通过调用第一个函数来生成专门的函数。 想象我们想要一个increment函数。 我们可以通过将1作为值从add函数生成它。

const increment = add(1);increment(9); // 10

When I was implementing , an npm library to record user behavior on a form page and generate Cypress testing code, I wanted to build a function to generate this string input[data-testid="123"]. So I had the element (input), the attribute (data-testid), and the value (123). Interpolating this string in JavaScript would look like this: ${element}[${attribute}="${value}"].

当我实现 (一个npm库,用于在表单页面上记录用户行为并生成Cypress测试代码)时,我想构建一个函数来生成此字符串input[data-testid="123"] 。 因此,我有了元素( input ),属性( data-testid )和值( 123 )。 在JavaScript中插值该字符串应如下所示: ${element}[${attribute}="${value}"]

My first implementation was to receive these three values as parameters and return the interpolated string above:


const buildSelector = (element, attribute, value) =>  `${element}[${attribute}="${value}"]`;buildSelector('input', 'data-testid', 123); // input[data-testid="123"]

And it was great. I achieved what I was looking for.

这很棒。 我达到了我想要的。

But at the same time, I wanted to build a more idiomatic function. Something where I could write "Get element X with attribute Y and value Z". So if we break this phrase into three steps:

但是同时,我想构建一个更加惯用的功能。 我可以在上面写“ G et element X with attribute Y and value Z ”的东西。 因此,如果我们将此短语分为三个步骤:

  • "get an element X": get(x)

    获取元素X ”: get(x)

  • "with attribute Y": withAttribute(y)

    具有属性Y ”: withAttribute(y)

  • "and value Z": andValue(z)

    和值Z ”: andValue(z)

We can transform buildSelector(x, y, z) into get(x)withAttribute(y)andValue(z) by using the currying concept.

我们可以使用currying概念将buildSelector(x, y, z)转换为get(x) withAttribute(y) andValue(z)

const get = (element) => {  return {    withAttribute: (attribute) => {      return {        andValue: (value) => `${element}[${attribute}="${value}"]`,      }    }  };};

Here we use a different idea: returning an object with function as key-value. Then we can achieve this syntax: get(x).withAttribute(y).andValue(z).

在这里,我们使用了一个不同的想法:返回一个具有函数作为键值的对象。 然后,我们可以实现以下语法: get(x).withAttribute(y).andValue(z)

And for each returned object, we have the next function and argument.


Refactoring time! Remove the return statements:

重构时间! 删除return语句:

const get = (element) => ({  withAttribute: (attribute) => ({    andValue: (value) => `${element}[${attribute}="${value}"]`,  }),});

I think it looks prettier. And here's how we use it:

我认为它看起来更漂亮。 这是我们的使用方式:

const selector = get('input')  .withAttribute('data-testid')  .andValue(123);selector; // input[data-testid="123"]

The andValue function knows about the element and attribute values because it is aware of the lexical environment like with closures that we talked about before.


We can also implement functions using "partial currying" by separating the first argument from the rest for example.


After doing web development for a long time, I am really familiar with the . Here's how to use it:

经过很长时间的Web开发,我真的很熟悉 。 使用方法如下:

const log = () => console.log('clicked');button.addEventListener('click', log);

I wanted to create an abstraction to build specialized event listeners and use them by passing the element and a callback handler.


const buildEventListener = (event) => (element, handler) => element.addEventListener(event, handler);

This way I can create different specialized event listeners and use them as functions.


const onClick = buildEventListener('click');onClick(button, log);const onHover = buildEventListener('hover');onHover(link, log);

With all these concepts, I could create an SQL query using JavaScript syntax. I wanted to query JSON data like this:

通过所有这些概念,我可以使用JavaScript语法创建一个SQL查询。 我想这样查询JSON数据:

const json = {  "users": [    {      "id": 1,      "name": "TK",      "age": 25,      "email": "tk@mail.com"    },    {      "id": 2,      "name": "Kaio",      "age": 11,      "email": "kaio@mail.com"    },    {      "id": 3,      "name": "Daniel",      "age": 28,      "email": "dani@mail.com"    }  ]}

So I built a simple engine to handle this implementation:


const startEngine = (json) => (attributes) => ({ from: from(json, attributes) });const buildAttributes = (node) => (acc, attribute) => ({ ...acc, [attribute]: node[attribute] });const executeQuery = (attributes, attribute, value) => (resultList, node) =>  node[attribute] === value    ? [...resultList, attributes.reduce(buildAttributes(node), {})]    : resultList;const where = (json, attributes) => (attribute, value) =>  json    .reduce(executeQuery(attributes, attribute, value), []);const from = (json, attributes) => (node) => ({ where: where(json[node], attributes) });

With this implementation, we can start the engine with the JSON data:


const select = startEngine(json);

And use it like a SQL query:


select(['id', 'name'])  .from('users')  .where('id', 1);result; // [{ id: 1, name: 'TK' }]

That's it for today. I could go on and on showing you a lot of different examples of abstractions, but I'll let you play with these concepts.

今天就这样。 我可以继续向您展示许多不同的抽象示例,但是我将让您使用这些概念。

You can other articles like this .

您可以像这样的其他文章 。

My and .

我的和 。

资源资源 (Resources)


js 闭包函数 构造函数


Delphi 解析HTML
MVC框架2 struts2+ibatis+spring
Entity Framework4.0 (四) EF4的内部结构和几个基本概念(转)
ShellApi 列举正在运行的程序
jQuery 两种方法实现IE10以下浏览器的placeholder效果